Comprehensive Eye Exam
The key to maintaining healthy vision is to have regular eye examinations throughout one’s lifetime, beginning in children less than one year old. Comprehensive eye examinations can detect and prevent the development of conditions that could affect the health of the eye or interfere with occupational or lifestyle visual needs.
We use the latest state-of-the-art technology to photograph and produce wide-angle views of the patient’s eyes, which enable us to see the interior structure of the eye without the need for dilation in most cases. We use special technology and techniques that produce three-dimensional images of the macula and the optic nerve, which can help determine the best courses of treatment for degenerative eye conditions. We test for visual acuity (nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism), color blindness, glaucoma, macular degeneration, dry eye, diabetic and hypertensive retinopathy, pediatric developmental vision problems, contact lens options, laser surgery options, sports vision options, computer vision enhancement, and all other conditions that affect a patient’s visual lifestyle.
Many of Dr. Goldberg’s patients are members of multi-generational families who have been coming to him for their eyecare needs for many years. Dr. Goldberg’s patients often remark that his eye exams are the most thorough they have ever had and that he carefully explains every aspect of the exam and the prescribed treatment in a way that they can easily understand and fully appreciate.